REALationships: Situationships, Pleasure and More

When you start seeing someone, you feel alive, but sometimes you’re just not sure where to take things. “Do I go there?”, “What’s expected of me?”, “Do I want this, do I even like this – isn’t this what I should be doing?” 

Situationships, relationships and dating are underpinned by expectations, desire and sometimes uncertainty. How do we navigate our needs, without appearing too vanilla or come across as a jerk? 

Take your learning beyond the classroom with this frank discussion with Sex and Relationship Coach Georgia Grace, where she’ll be answering your curly questions about REALationships.  


Two vibrators are up for grabs for those in the audience who ask questions, thanks to Normal.  



Georgia Grace is a certified sex & relationship practitioner and somatic therapist. She is particularly known for her work in the areas of inclusive, sex-positive and shame-free education and helps individuals, couples and groups overcome issues relating to sexual confidence, communication, consent and desire. She is also a co-founder at Normal, a sexual wellness company, where she works with a team of experts to create educational courses and design modern sex toys. 

Georgia is a regular contributor to a variety of top-tier media outlets and has collaborated with brands like TEDx, Tinder, QT Hotels and the Nova Network. She is on a mission to redefine what ‘normal’ means when it comes to sex, relationships and intimacy, and equip people with the tools they need to address these typically taboo topics.


This event is brought to you as part of UNSW's annual festival of celebrating, questioning and exploring every aspect of sex and  relationships. To learn more about SEXtember, check our website out here.

Content Context: Conversations about consent, relationships, sex and sexuality can  sometimes be difficult. UNSW has a gendered violence support team who
can be contacted through the (Gendered Violence Portal)

About SEXtember at UQ

Everyone has the right to safe, healthy and thriving relationships with themselves and others

Join us for UQ's inaugural SEXtember festival, an initiative aiming to normalise sex-positive conversations about sex, sexuality, healthy relationships, sexual health and reproductive health.

The theme for UQ's SEXtember festival this year is Bodies and Boundaries in recognition of the many social pressures we can face regarding our body (and its functions) and our relationships (spanning family, friends, romantic, sexual, work and more). This theme highlights the importance of taking care of, accepting, and respecting our own and other’s bodies and boundaries.

Join UQ Respect and UQ Wellbeing throughout September for a number of exciting events and opportunities including Hump Day, Feel Good Comedy, You Can’t Ask That panel event, Drag Trivia and Clay Connections.

We are excited to partner with UNSW, USyd, UNC and UoA to deliver a number of online events for you to engage with privately across a variety of topics including Queer Sex Education and including a keynote webinar from Matt Brown from She Is Not Your Rehab.


Learn More about SEXtember



Other upcoming sessions