This year, LGBTQ Domestic Violence Awareness Day is on 28 May, 2022. LGBTQ DV Awareness day is an annual campaign to raise community awareness, start conversations, and stand together to support survivors and victims of domestic and family violence in LGBTQIA+ communities.


This Wednesday 25 May, the UQ Ally Network and First Responders Network will be hosting a stall at Student Central to provide an opportunity for all to connect, take the Pledge to Create Change, and find resources for support. Join us at the stall from 11AM-1PM at the Student Central Plaza.


The central aim of LGBTQ DV Awareness Day is to break the silence and address the lack of awareness about LGBTQ domestic, family and intimate partner violence and abuse. It is important for all to be #SeenAndBelieved. Here are some ways you can help bring about positive change to the lives of survivors of domestic and family violence in LGBTQIA+ communities:


Take the Workplace Pledge

Fill out your details to show your support for LGBTQ victims and survivors and to receive links to resources that will help you fulfil your pledge. Click here to complete the Workplace Pledge.


Raise awareness

On 28 May, show your support by making a social media post with the hashtag #SeenAndBelieved. Click here for social media images you can post from the LGBTQ Domestic Violence Awareness Foundation.


Resources and links

Click here to learn more about key information and supports for sexual, family, and intimate partner violence.



Building 42
St Lucia campus
Student Central