The University of Queensland Wildlife Association (UQWA) aims to connect likeminded students in wildlife-based studies with the support and networking needed to thrive while studying and post-graduation. UQWA strives to represent the wildlife science student body as a whole and ensure that they are accurately and strong represented within the Gatton Campus community
About R U Ok? 2022
R U OK? Day is an annual suicide prevention campaign aiming to inspire and empower people to meaningfully connect with those around them and to provide support when someone is in need. The R U OK? Day theme this year is “Are they really OK? Ask them today”. We are all encouraged to Ask R U OK?, Listen, Encourage Action, and Check In.
At UQ we're joining in on the conversation, across all our campuses with activations at Herston and Gatton on Wednesday 7 September and St Lucia on Thursday 8 September.