Untold Stories of COVID-19
by UQ Journalism Students
Frequently referred to by number, rather than by name, it is difficult to get a sense for what we as a community, are currently experiencing. In response to this, JACDigital has provided a platform to showcase the talents of UQ Journalism students and launched the 'Untold Stories of COVID-19'.
From the indigenous community response to navigating a young relationship during the pandemic, this student-led series presents personal stories from within our communities.
Leading the project, Dr Richard Murray said “as journalists, it is our responsibility to broaden the scope of peoples experience with this [pandemic], and that’s why we tell the stories we do”. Although, he is quick to dismiss any credit saying “all we did was present an opportunity and the students delivered on that - above and beyond what we expected”.
The newly appointed JACDigital Coordinator, Donald Johannessen endorsed Dr Murray's sentiment and added that "limited resources and access tested the students to produce quality stories for online, print and broadcast".