Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month

Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month is held anually during May to:
  • raise community awareness about domestic and family violence (DFV) 
  • promote the support options available to people experiencing DFV
  • uphold a clear message that DFV will not be tolerated in our communities.

Here at UQ, to mark this month and increase awareness of available support for those experiencing DFV, we will be:

  • Introducing face-to-face training to equip supervisors/managers to support staff experiencing DFV.
  • Offering a face-to-face workshop on coercive control, to enable students and staff to better understand what coercive control is, provide an overview of the incoming coercive control legislation in Queensland, and provide information on support options for people experiencing coercive control. 
  • Holding an awareness raising event for LGBTQ Domestic Violence Awareness Day on the 28th May 2024. 

You can find more information about DFV Prevention Month, along with information about where to get support for DFV, on the Queensland Government website below.

Learn about Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month

Supporting Staff Experiencing Domestic and Family Violence

4 June 2024 1:00pm4:00pm
This workshop will provide supervisors/managers with the understanding and knowledge to be able to manage and support staff in a trauma-informed way, who are impacted by domestic and/or family violence.
Popcorn from the Popcorn Man

LGBTQ Domestic Violence Awareness Day Movie Night

28 May 2024 4:15pm6:15pm
Grab your friends (and free popcorn) and join us for a screening of The Birdcage (1996) on LGBTQ Domestic Violence Awareness Day on 28 May. Attendance is free but do register to save your spots (and popcorn)!

Understanding Coercive Control

28 May 2024 11:00am12:00pm
Learn about what coercive control is, and how it can present within relationships. We’ll also briefly discuss the coercive control legislation coming into force in 2025. This workshop is open to both staff and students.