Wear it Purple Day 2024

Write Your Story

Wear it Purple Day on Friday 30 August is about fostering supportive, safe, empowering and inclusive environments for rainbow young people.

Wear it Purple was founded in 2010 in response to global stories of real teenagers, real heartache and their very real responses. In 2010, several rainbow young people took their own lives following bullying and harassment resulting from the lack of acceptance of their sexuality or gender identity.

We encourage all UQ students and staff to join us this year, on 30 August in celebration of Wear it Purple Day. Be part of a movement that has the potential to save thousands of lives. Be part of this change.

How to get involved and show your support

Participate in events

Check out the events happening during the week to show your support and get involved.

There is a full program of events happening right across UQ with panel discussions, movie screenings and trivia amongst many others, giving you the opportunity to show your support, learn and bring the purple!

People participating in pride event

See all events across UQ

Wear it Purple

Wear something purple on Friday 30 August and post on social media to show your support. Make sure you use #WearItPurpleUQ.



Trinity McNicol

Everyday ways you can support LGBTQIA+ people

  • Place visible signs of support around your work/study space, and on Zoom (try our background image)
  • Wear your Ally badge/lanyard or other rainbow/pride badges
  • Include pronouns in your email signature and Zoom name
  • Listen
  • Take a stand against negative and destructive language and assumptions
  • Use people-centric language
  • If you get it wrong - correct yourself where appropriate and move on
  • Help to confront the silence and discrimination that normalises heterosexuality at the expense of people with diverse sexuality and gender
  • Educate yourself and be an agent of change to help develop and maintain an inclusive and diverse culture at UQ

Join us and celebrate our diverse LGBTQIA+ community this Wear it Purple Day


30 Aug 2024
This year, for Wear It Purple Day, the UQ Ally Network is organising a morning of talks to showcase some of the excellent research being conducted across UQ examining the health and wellbeing of the LGBTQIA+ community. We invite you to come along and join us in hearing all about this work!
29 Aug 2024
The BEL Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee invites you to join us on Thursday 29 August for our third annual Wear It Purple Rainbow Run and Colour Course.
29 Aug 2024
Frazer Institute ED&I committee presents Round Four of their Trivia and Drag Queen Show

As part of Wear it Purple Day 2024, join us for a conversation with renowned queer artist William Yang as he discusses the journey through his ‘closet’ as a young adult in the 1960s at The University of Queensland. Hosted by Dr Amelia Barikin, Senior Lecturer Art History, UQ, and researcher in queer Australian art, this intimate talk will explore Yang’s coming to terms with his queerness in the context of homophobic 1960s Queensland, and how he used art as a transformative medium to navigate and express identity, eventually becoming a nationally treasured and influential queer artist.
On Wear it Purple Day, Dr Cassandra Byrnes (she/her), UQ Lecturer on histories of gender and sexuality, will lead an afternoon talk on gender and queer subjectivities told through artworks in the UQ Art Collection. Drawing from Wear it Purple Day’s theme of “Your Passion, Your Pride,” and the Collection Study Room’s current hang “I, Myself, In-Between,” this talk will examine recent queer histories in Australia through artworks by Luke Roberts and TextaQueen.
30 Aug 2024
This year's WIPD theme is ‘Your Passion, Your Pride’ and celebrates LGBTQIA+ people openly and visibly achieving their dreams in sport, science and more. On this day, UQ Art Museum is celebrating all day with activities on the Art Museum lawn and special activations in the UQ Art Museum. We’ll be hosting talks, artwork displays, creative activities and stalls that celebrate our diverse LGBTQIA+ community. 
The 'For Crying Out Loud' campaign is primary prevention campaign aiming to shine a light on the sexual violence and harassment experienced by LGBTQIA+ students at university and other tertiary institutions, and calls for social change to end violence experienced by LGBTQIA+ communities.