Sustainable Style Market 2024

5 March 2024 11:00am2:00pm
11am to 2pm | Campbell Place
Give your items a new lease of life at the Repair Café or thrift to your heart's content at the Sustainable Style Market! Enjoy live music, food trucks and various op-shop stalls.
Small rock painted with a rainbow and the words "rainbow rock!"

Rock painting

24 October 2023 12:00pm2:00pm
Let your creative juices flow with our rock painting session - all supplies provided.
UQ students sitting at table and painting.

Make Your Own Jacaranda Bookmark with UQ Handcraft and Art Club

24 October 2023 2:00pm4:00pm

Capture the beauty of UQ permanently by bringing a piece of the scenery home with a jacaranda bookmark.
Woman painting on a canvas.

Sip and Paint with Yin

24 October 2023 4:30pm6:30pm
In celebration of the Spring Social, Yin will be hosting a LIVE Sip and Paint class under the blooming jacaranda trees.
Students sitting at table painting pots.

Paint your own pot workshop with free plant

24 October 2023 4:00pm6:00pm
Bring a friend and paint your own terracotta pot for free!
Dried and pressed flowers in various laminated shapes

DIY Bookmarks with Dried Flowers

18 October 2022 5:00pm8:00pm
Come and make your own DIY bookmark with UQCSSA. They will provide a transparent bookmark and dried flowers, including jacaranda.
Woman holding flower resin coaster

DIY Jacaranda resin coaster workshop

17 October 2022 12:00pm2:00pm
Make your own personalised resin coaster, with Jacaranda flowers picked from our own UQ campus. Capture the beauty of UQ permanently by bringing a piece of the scenery home!
Dried flowers and leaves against a pale blue background

DIY bookmarks with dried flowers

13 September 2022 5:00pm7:00pm
Get creative with DIY bookmarks and dried flowers!
A stack of colouring pencils on a colouring book

UQ Respect Hub: Mindful Colouring

4 May 2022 11:00am1:00pm
Drop by the UQ Respect Hub at Student Central to meet your UQ Respect Ambassadors and find out information about services and supports on campus around safety and respectful relationships.
