Welcome BBQ

The Official Welcome to UQ is one of the biggest events in Welcome Weeks. New and returning students are all invited for a free BBQ, Welcome to Country, live entertainment and more.

Not to be missed, this will be your official welcome to UQ.


UQ students walking along food stalls

International Student BBQ (Gatton)

24 February 2023 1:00pm3:00pm
The International Student BBQ will be one of the feature events of Gatton Orientation. Join all new students in the Central Walkway between 1pm and 3pm for a free BBQ, Welcome to Country and live music and entertainment.
UQ Student receiving food from a food vendor

Welcome BBQ (St Lucia)

21 February 2023 11:00am1:00pm
The Official Welcome to UQ is one of the biggest events in Connect Week. New and returning students are all invited for a free BBQ, Welcome to Country, live entertainment and more.

This will be your official welcome to UQ so don't miss out!