Its “that” time of the semester. The temperature is dropping, the winds are picking up and with exams just around the corner our stress levels can pick up too.
It’s also a time when our inner critic turns up, and we can get stuck with thoughts like “I am not good enough” or “I should have worked harder during the semester”. Now is the time when practicing a little self-compassion can make a huge difference – self-compassion can reduce exam anxiety and self-criticism (Mc Ewan et al, 2018) and has been linked to mastery goals and reduced fear of failure or avoidance (Neff et al, 2005). More research on the value of self-compassion in exams is referenced in an article at
Self-compassion can be a tricky skill to master, so consider the three parts and how you can include one of these in your exam preparation:
- Common humanity – you are not alone. Exam stress affects all students and triggers a range of emotions, especially performance anxiety.
- Self-kindness – notice the inner critic has turned up and take time where you can to acknowledge your progress. When you are having a rough time consider the following quote from Kristen Neff – “this is a moment of suffering, suffering is part of life, may I be kind to myself, may I give myself what I need”.
- Mindfulness – take 5 to 10 minutes and bring your attention to the present moment – notice your breath, take a sip of tea, and savour the experience, or go for a quick walk and notice the world around you. If you are observing/noticing, then you are doing mindfulness! (it doesn’t have to be too complicated).
- Read for more information
It can also be helpful at the moment when you are feeling calmer to remind yourself why you are here doing the tough things – because they matter to you. You are on a journey of learning and growth and that is hard sometimes but it is also really rewarding too.
We all need a support team, and we are here to help. The UQ Counselling Team is here to help you through exams. Check out the services available (including well-being programs offered) at
Keren Jones and Zarinah Hienekamp,
Student Counselling Team