GAP x GEMS Bushcare Working Bee

GAP x GEMS Bushcare

30 January 2022 7:00am10:00am
Join GAP & GEMS for a bushcare working bee! Help the environment, meet like-minded people, and enjoy fellowship afterwards!
UQ Gatton Stargazing

UQ Exclusive - Gatton Stargazing

5 January 2022 5:30pm10:30pm
Enjoy an evening of peace and discovery while gazing at the southern skies at the picturesque Gatton campus.

Diwali Celebration

Come along and enjoy the Diwali experience with free traditional Indian food, music and activities. We invite you to wear your traditional dress to this event.

Fireside Discussions

The Career Fireside discussion series allows UQ's Career Advisors to directly address the issues that students are asking questions about right now at a set time each week – Tuesday @ 11am.

Employer Insights

The sessions in the Employer Insights series will provide you with insights from industry aon a variety of topics that will support you to develop your employability.

Books and Reading

The spoken word is a powerful medium and stories have been passed on aurally for generations. Come take part in this tradition of storytelling through events that celebrate the spoken word, the act of sharing stories, lived experiences and stories that are brought to life.