A stack of colouring pencils on a colouring book

UQ Respect Hub: Mindful Colouring

4 May 2022 11:00am1:00pm
Drop by the UQ Respect Hub at Student Central to meet your UQ Respect Ambassadors and find out information about services and supports on campus around safety and respectful relationships.
Young man holding a paintbrush and painting a snowy mountain on a canvas

Bob Ross Art Therapy: Facilitating a therapeutic process through painting

4 May 2022 12:00pm1:30pm
Join UQ Counselling this University Mental Health Day for an Art Therapy Workshop inspired by Bob Ross' The Joy of Painting.
Poetry Slam and Book Swap

Poetry Slam and Book Swap

23 March 2022 5:00pm7:00pm
Come for the literature - stay for the vibes! Whether you just want to relax and listen, share a piece on the open mic, or swap a book, this free session will be positively chill. *finger snaps*
Songify your day at UQ

Songify your day

3 February 2022 9:00am3:00pm
Singing and songwriting workshops led by UQ School of Music artist-researchers in partnership with Summer in Queensland and UQISS
UQ Art for Wellbeing

Art for Wellbeing - New Beginnings

3 February 2022 2:00pm4:00pm
Is there a quote that inspires you? Embrace your creative side and explore the artistic possibilities around what inspires you with this art workshop.
UQ Embroidery Workshop

Embroidery Workshop

12 January 2022 1:00pm4:00pm
Come and learn how to create your own embroidery artwork!
UQ Canvas Art Workshop

"Who we are" Canvas Art Workshop

7 January 2022 1:00pm4:00pm
Come join UQ Wellbeing and creatively paint an individual canvas in your own style!
UQ Art for Wellbeing

Art for Wellbeing - Gifts of Gratitude – Group Mural

16 December 2021 2:00pm4:00pm
Explore and experience the concept of gratitude and its impact on wellbeing through art. Let your creative juices flow as you contribute to a group mural.

Diwali Celebration

Come along and enjoy the Diwali experience with free traditional Indian food, music and activities. We invite you to wear your traditional dress to this event.
