
3月23日中午11 点至12点,昆士兰大学健康促进项目组将联合昆士兰民族委员会的社区健康工作者在圣卢西亚校区为广大UQ学子带来一场中文普通话性健康讲座。在一小时的讲座里,您将了解到:


Are you from a culturally or linguistically diverse background and interested to find out more about your sexual health?

Join the community health workers from Ethnic Communities Council Queensland to learn about the detection, transmission and prevention of sexually transmissible infections (STIs).

In this one hour workshop, you will learn:
- What are the common STIs for young people in QLD
- How to practice safer sex and prevent the transmission of STIs
- What's involved in a sexual health check up and where to go for help
- Understanding treatment, access to information and referral pathways

Ethnic Communities Council Queensland work with culturally and linguistically diverse communities across Queensland to improve access to health information and services that are culturally appropriate and relevant to your needs.

This workshop is hosted by UQ Wellbeing.

UQ acknowledges and thanks Allianz Care Australia for supporting this project.

About UQ Wellbeing

UQ Wellbeing is a Health Promotion Project for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities. It is a new initiative that stems from the goals of UQ's Student life Plan 2018 - 2021. The project aims to increase the overall health and wellbeing of students from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds by working in partnership with students. We create regular events, activities and workshops.


St Lucia campus
Global Change Institute (20), room 273