Reliable Information

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Do you know where to access reliable information about reproductive health?

Good reproductive health includes having access to reliable information that is accurate and up to date. Educating yourself is an important part of managing your reproductive health. The best place to find reliable reproductive health information is from healthcare professionals.

You can find reliable reproductive health information at your doctor’s surgery, pharmacies, Overseas Health Care Provider, and community health centres. Information provided by government bodies, organisations funded by the government peak industry bodies (such as the Australian Medical Association) and peak condition-specific organisations (such as the Cancer Council or Pelvic Pain Foundation of Australia). It can be difficult to find trusted medical information elsewhere.

General advice when searching for information:

  • Beware of medical information provided by organisations trying to sell a particular product or service – information written to sell products or services is not medical advice.
  • Some online health information is reliable. Check who is providing the information and what they do to make sure it is accurate. The ‘About us’ page will tell you who runs the site – it may be a legitimate health organisation or an individual.
  • Is the information up to date? – check the date the information was posted or when the site was last updated
  • Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, online forums and chatrooms are not necessarily places for reliable medical information. Information from friends, family or partners may not be accurately correct or reliable.

Remember it is important to know that seeking support is ok. Seeking support early can help relieve stress and worry, and help improve your overall wellbeing by giving you more control over your health.

No taboo, there is support for you.