Women's Health Week and Body Image and Eating Disorders Awareness Week (BIEDAW)

Jean Hailes Women’s Health Week is the biggest week in Australia celebrating women.

This year Women’s Health Week and Body Image and Eating Disorders Awareness Week (BIEDAW) will both occur from  Sept 4 — Sept 8 2023.

UQ Wellbeing will hold a range of student activities across all campuses dedicated  to celebrating good health and raising awareness of body image concerns and eating disorders.

These events are open to all students but will focus on the wellbeing of women, girls and gender diverse people.

See our main page for more details and resources here.

Girl with blue hair chatting to female ambassador at wellbeing stall

Health and Wellbeing Stall (Promotion of services & WH events)

9 September 2022 11:00am1:00pm
This Women's Health Week, we have compiled resources specifically for women and gender-diverse folk to support their health. Drop by Campbell place on Monday, Tuesday and Friday, or Student Central on Wednesday and Thursday for free resources and information around sexual and reproductive health, physical health, mental wellbeing, and more.
Women's Health Week 5-11 September 2022

UQ Respect Stall (Flourish Cards)

9 September 2022 11:00am1:00pm
This Women's Health Week, we have compiled resources specifically for women and gender-diverse folk to support their health. Drop by Campbell place on Monday, Tuesday and Friday, or Student Central on Wednesday and Thursday for free resources and information around sexual and reproductive health, physical health, mental wellbeing, and more.
Three women standing with their backs to us facing the Forgan Smith building, arm in arm

Healthy Boundaries for a Healthy You Workshop

9 September 2022 11:00am1:00pm
Boundary-setting is harder than we often realise. Join UQ Mental Health, UQ Respect, and UQ Wellbeing to learn more about your boundaries and practice how to assert your boundaries in a safe and respectful space.
Women's HealthWeek 5-11 September 2022

UQ Respect Stall (Flourish Cards) - Herston

7 September 2022 11:00am1:00pm
You've got this! Keep a lookout for UQ Respect Ambassadors at UQ Respect's Women's Health Week Stalls and around campus who will be giving out personal letters of encouragement and positivity this week just for you!
Let's talk about it. Period.

Let's Talk About It. Period. (Online webinar)

7 September 2022 11:00am12:00pm
They're natural. They're normal. They're all different. Let's Talk About it. Period.
Girl with blue hair chatting to female ambassador at wellbeing stall

Health and Wellbeing Stall (Promotion of services & WH events)

7 September 2022 11:00am1:00pm
This Women's Health Week, we have compiled resources specifically for women and gender-diverse folk to support their health. Drop by Campbell place on Monday, Tuesday and Friday, or Student Central on Wednesday and Thursday for free resources and information around sexual and reproductive health, physical health, mental wellbeing, and more.
Two female students playing table tennis at the Great Court

Workout Wednesday – Train with the Firebirds

7 September 2022 11:00am1:00pm
You can find us in the Great Court for Workout Wednesday with a range of games and activities to get you moving. We are very excited to be joined by 3 amazing Queensland Firebirds players, who can help you ace your Netball skills!
Group of students enjoying some sun and relaxation in the great court

Cultural picnic

6 September 2022 11:00am2:00pm
Join us for a fun-filled Cultural Picnic in The Great Court to celebrate Women's Health Week!
Girl with blue hair chatting to female ambassador at wellbeing stall

Health and Wellbeing Stall (Promotion of services & WH events)

6 September 2022 11:00am1:00pm
This Women's Health Week, we have compiled resources specifically for women and gender-diverse folk to support their health. Drop by Campbell place on Monday, Tuesday and Friday, or Student Central on Wednesday and Thursday for free resources and information around sexual and reproductive health, physical health, mental wellbeing, and more.
Women's Health Week 5-11 September 2022

UQ Respect Stall (Flourish Cards)

6 September 2022 11:00am1:00pm
You've got this! Keep a lookout for UQ Respect Ambassadors at UQ Respect's Women's Health Week Stalls and around campus who will be giving out personal letters of encouragement and positivity this week just for you!
Women sitting side by side drawing and writing

Women's Health Week Art Therapy

6 September 2022 11:00am12:30pm
Join UQ Counselling this Women's Health Week for an Art Therapy designed to help you with your self-image and body-image through art and look towards ways of reframing how we view ourselves and our bodies.
Woman with blue hair talking to a female ambassador at a wellbeing stall

Health and Wellbeing Stall (Promotion of services & WH events)

5 September 2022 11:00am1:00pm
This Women's Health Week, we have compiled resources specifically for women and gender-diverse folk to support their health. Drop by Campbell place on Monday, Tuesday and Friday, or Student Central on Wednesday and Thursday for free resources and information around sexual and reproductive health, physical health, mental wellbeing, and more.
Women's Health Week, 5-11 September 2022

UQ Respect Stall (Flourish Cards)

5 September 2022 11:00am1:00pm
You've got this! Keep a lookout for UQ Respect Ambassadors at UQ Respect's Women's Health Week Stalls and around campus who will be giving out personal letters of encouragement and positivity this week just for you!